Coaching Services
Coaching is a serious engagement, therefore our services offer a customizable experience designed to help you achieve your goals.
Personal reflection, journaling and keenness is required to make the journey a worthy adventure.
You can choose from a set of three value for money packages.
A set of 6 meaningful sessions spread across three impactful months. It includes personality profiling and one-on-one coaching in a key area agreed by the two. You talk we listen.
A 12 session journey to learn with the coach. This is a leap towards a higher ground, accomplished in six months.
It includes personality profiles, goals, action plans and an in-depth understanding of key areas.
The number of sessions here are customised to suit your journey with the coach - transformation guaranteed. A 4D profile that focuses on TEAMS, VALUES and your BEHAVIOR INDEX, along with a need analysisand a strong coach-client accountability.